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07:15 GMT         Day 17 of 90, Season 69    


All Results

Api Gunung Bromo

Rider, Team
  Belgium Kent De Meulder, orgullo colombiano 1
  2. Indonesia Jhoni Faroka, Woogadler
  3. Colombia Sancho Pareds, M Uno
  4. Italy Massimo Calderone, BCTeam
  5. Australia Chris Cook, sv racing united
  6. Iceland Þórmar Sólbjörnsson, Solstafir
  7. Belgium Claude Paaps, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  8. Wales Horatio Wilkerson, Druid
  9. Italy Ermanno Lairpo, John Matrix

Groningen - Paramaribo

Rider, Team
  Netherlands Milo Roogaars, IFK Banaanhaar
  2. England Sherard Lanning, Triple Double
  3. Romania Virgil Pârcalab, shok2
  4. Isle of Man Kim Eudy, Iom FX
  5. Portugal Guterre Vaz, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  6. Portugal Renato Madruga, Bank of West Sahara
  7. Serbia Risto Vlahović, The Hive
  8. Portugal Raul Reis, Tiropakote
  9. Belgium Geoffry Van Leemputten, Steeds Vooraan

New Race of Man

Rider, Team
  Norway Storm Robertsen, VS pourri
  2. Norway Steffen Solhaug, squadra sora
  3. Romania Gica Grozea, Trim Trust Energy
  4. Norway Viktor Holter, Bing Team
  5. Portugal Brás Farinha, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  6. USA Bruce Womack, GoGo Cycling Team
  7. Belgium Octave Berghmans, Jolly Wheels
  8. Belgium Guust Laureys, Hawkstonia Velo
  9. Brazil Pedro Baiense, Partisan1984

Vinh - Nam Phao

Rider, Team
  Netherlands Roderick Werff, Ello Ello
  2. Belgium Claude Paaps, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  3. USA Ken Gomez, Ello Ello
  4. South Africa Robin Wannenberg, Xhain Nutella
  5. Brazil Cauê Pupo, Partisan1984
  6. USA Stan Hicks, Anemaracing
  7. Papua New Guinea Eliyas Haiveta, New Guinea Islanders
  8. Canada Kody Wysong, phlattyres
  9. Botswana Mbiyu Femrite, Ello Ello

Hog Bay - St George´s

Rider, Team
  Portugal Guterre Vaz, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  2. New Zealand Ryan Evans, Jan Janssen
  3. Australia Zavier Cullen, Beefy Cadence
  4. Spain Raúl Pacheco, SESIGNA
  5. Estonia Cardo Kaik, Team Radioprock
  6. Canada Art Cather, MBLC Dudenride
  7. Belgium Kenney Vischkens, LEFFE CAMPAGNOLO
  8. Netherlands Robbie Oosterbaan, phlattyres
  9. Slovenia Aljaž Pintar, SmeskoBank

Keelung - Wulai Falls

Rider, Team
  Belgium Claude Paaps, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  2. USA Coby Pavlovich, GoGo Cycling Team
  3. Isle of Man Gale Canton, Iom FX
  4. Saint Lucia Paxton Sztern, Masters90
  5. Ireland Connell Rasmussen, Ducks Peddlers
  6. Italy Massimo Calderone, BCTeam
  7. Vietnam Trân-Nhu Phat Hieu, Kalmar Union
  8. Portugal Teodoro Sesimbra, FC Porto Pro Cycling
  9. Portugal Albino Quintino, Triple Double

Sapporo - Rumoi

Rider, Team
  Sweden Benny Engberg, The Hive
  2. New Zealand Ryan Evans, Jan Janssen
  3. England Sherard Lanning, Triple Double
  4. Portugal Guterre Vaz, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  5. Spain Valentin Marquez, Team Lycra
  6. Slovakia Rony Sivák, GroTeam
  7. Spain Raúl Pacheco, SESIGNA
  8. Portugal Renato Madruga, Bank of West Sahara
  9. France Brian Ancel, Busliki

Wangdu GrandPrix

Rider, Team
  Australia Anthony Hetherington, sv racing united
  2. Sweden Birger Lager, West Hill Velo
  3. Colombia Reynaldo Sanchez, Jud Team
  4. Russia Arseny Dykhovichny, RVelo
  5. Portugal Guterre Vaz, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  6. Lithuania Stasys Kaushpadas, hahavideo
  7. Colombia Agustín Santoro, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  8. Brazil Ari Bahiense, Ella Allez
  9. Brazil Emanuel Cunha, Ella Allez

Salida Climbs

Rider, Team
  England Homer Hunsaker, Young Bucks CC
  2. Poland Gerald Imiołek, ProgressTeam
  3. Belgium Claude Paaps, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  4. Colombia Sancho Pareds, M Uno
  5. Laos Keovisian Vongphakdy, Leseturs
  6. France Josué Blot, Team Voeckler
  7. Netherlands Hild Kuiper, Rondje om de Kerk
  8. Belgium Matthis De Spiegeleire, Ravens teeth
  9. Portugal Teodoro Sesimbra, FC Porto Pro Cycling

Kluczbork - Brzeg

Rider, Team
  Netherlands Nicolaas van der Leeqte, Busliki
  2. Colombia Agustín Santoro, Foxtrot Farmers Frieten
  3. Italy Leopoldo Pace, BCTeam
  4. New Zealand Ryan Evans, Jan Janssen
  5. Netherlands Emir Eggens, hahavideo
  6. Portugal Adolfo Sousa, FC Porto Pro Cycling
  7. Canada Art Cather, MBLC Dudenride
  8. Belgium Freddy Van Bets, LEFFE CAMPAGNOLO
  9. Sweden Birger Lager, West Hill Velo